WELCOME … What to Expect at TAB
We hope that you experience a sincere and comfortable welcome to our church family and facility. We have an ample parking lot on Lincoln and Utica Street.

Winter time in New York
Our Welcome Desk and Foyer
Stop at our Welcome Desk for Information and our greeting gift … our greeting team can direct you to our ministry areas and activities.

TAB Foyer & Greeter
Our Auditorium
Join us for the preaching of God’s Word in a family of God that desires to bring glory to God. We enjoy the richness of a blended-style of worship – respecting our heritage and also the freshness of “new songs” inspiring yet another generation. Most Sundays consist of a call to worship from the Bible, prayer, songs of worship, which include singing one Psalm each week, a Scripture Reading, and a sermon from God’s Word.